Joint Pain Treatment Center In Sarasota, FL

Regenerative Medicine is the “process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function.” This field holds the promise of regenerating damaged tissues and organs in the body by replacing damaged tissue and/or by stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to heal previously irreparable tissues or organs.

Greco Medical Group is always up to date with the latest advances in Regenerative Medicine, and we have attained a high success rate in delaying conditions that often lead to joint replacements or other invasive surgeries. Most of the current treatments provide symptomatic relief for a short duration, and eventually the patient has to resort to continued pain management therapies and surgeries. Our mission is to restore good joint health.

Greco Medical Group treats knees, shoulders, necks, backs, hips, ankles, elbows, wrists and fingers.  Anywhere there is joint pain, there is treatment and hope for restoration of normal movement and alleviation of discomfort.

One of the most common issues for most athletes is chronic knee pain, caused by inflammation due to a wearing on ligaments and tendons. Eventually this may lead to arthritic afflictions. Regenerative Medicine is geared toward non-surgical treatment.

While we attempt to avoid surgery,  it is sometimes necessary, and we will assist with recommending, referring, and planning the best course for your particular condition. After surgery, Greco Medical Group physicians will stay with your case, to insure you receive the follow up restorative care you need.


New advances in the science of regenerative medicine continue to astonish the medical community and offer hope to those suffering from chronic ailments and illnesses. Painful afflictions such as arthritis have been treated for years with pain medications and topical remedies with little hope for an actual cure. The British source reports on an extraordinary breakthrough in cartilage generation in this May 01, 2014 publication:

A groundbreaking study has developed a method of successfully growing fully-functional human cartilage in vitro from human stem cell procedure in Sarasota Florida derived from bone marrow tissue for the first time ever.

This new research, conducted by the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science in the US and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), could have significant implications for the future treatment of arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases.

Typically, the current approach to cartilage tissue engineering involves placing cells into a hydrogel and using nutrients, growth factors and mechanical loading to help them develop, but this produces mechanically weak cartilage when used with adult human stem cells.

For the new study, a method that more closely resembled the normal development of the skeleton was utilised. As such, the team allowed the mesenchymal stem cells to undergo a condensation stage – just as they do in the body – before starting to make cartilage.

Subsequent tests using the material showed its lubricative property and compressive strength approached those of native cartilage. The researchers were then able to regenerate large pieces of anatomically-shaped and mechanically strong cartilage over the bone, with the aim of repairing cartilage defects.

Next, the team will be be testing their engineered cartilage tissue to see if it maintains its structure and long-term function when implanted.

Study leader Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, a professor of medical sciences at Columbia Engineering, said: “This could have clinical impact, as this cartilage can be used to repair a cartilage defect, or in combination with bone in a composite graft grown in lab for more complex tissue reconstruction.”

A spokesman for Arthritis Research UK said: “Engineered cartilage has to be strong and durable and to remain so when it’s re-implanted into an area of damaged cartilage in the body. It’s one thing to develop something that appears to have these qualities in a laboratory setting, but you have to be confident that it will be durable when used to treat a real-life patient.

“We’re hoping to show that stem cells from bone marrow, cartilage cells or a combination of both can be used to treat patients with early osteoarthritis in the not-too-distant future.”

Dr. Jonathan Greco has devoted his career to remaining at the forefront of this type of amazing and promising research. As a specialist in regenerative medicine, Dr. Greco successfully treats many painful and chronic conditions without the use of strong pain medications or surgery.

Alternative Pain Treatments Center In Sarasota, FL

Regenerative Medicine is the “process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function.” This field holds the promise of regenerating damaged tissues and organs in the body by replacing damaged tissue and/or by stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to heal previously irreparable tissues or organs.

Greco Medical Group is always up to date with the latest advances in Regenerative Medicine, and we have attained a high success rate in delaying conditions that often lead to joint replacements or other invasive surgeries. Most of the current treatments provide alternative pain treatments and symptomatic relief for a short duration, and eventually the patient has to resort to continued pain management therapies and surgeries. Our mission is to restore good joint health.

One of the most common issues for most athletes is chronic knee pain, caused by inflammation due to a wearing on ligaments and tendons. Eventually this may lead to arthritic afflictions. Regenerative Medicine is geared toward non-surgical treatment.

While we attempt to avoid surgery,  it is sometimes necessary, and we will assist with recommending, referring, and planning the best course for your particular condition. After surgery, Greco Medical Group physicians will stay with your case, to insure you receive the follow up restorative care you need.


Orthopedic knee pain is one of the most common issues that limits movements in people and causes disability. The knees are one of the most important weight bearing joints along with hips and ankles. This joint also rotates and twists, providing full mobility to the legs. For performing these various movements, the knee relies on its various components comprising of tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and bones. It is obvious the knee is a complex joint, and when things go wrong with its components there is orthopedic knee pain.

The type of knee pain treatment will mainly depend on the severity of the injury or condition. Many knee injuries are not serious, and can be treated at home. However, it is important to have your joints checked by a knee pain Tampa specialist. A knee pain doctor will be able to diagnose the exact cause or issue that is causing the pain in your knees and provide best course of treatment and can advise you on pain management.

Greco Medical Group can Effectively Cure Knee Pain

Greco Medical Group has a team of knee pain doctors who are highly qualified and specialize in all issues concerned with the knees. We have not only made marvelous advancements in pain management techniques, but we also provide a range of minimal invasive treatments that can cure orthopedic knee pain permanently. At our center, our knee pain specialist will conduct a thorough examination of your knees, which can include MRI scans, X-rays, blood tests, and any other required tests. After considering your particular problem, an effective treatment plan will be suggested that is most suited for curing your condition.


Every day we read about big-name sports stars who receive non-surgical treatment in the form of prp treatment Tampa. Last week Los Angeles Laker superstar Kobe Bryant received his annual injection, and his performance on the basketball court is certainly among the best in NBA history.


There’s new evidence that not only does platelet rich plasma, PRP, improve pain and function in chronic tendon injuries but actually HEALS them. In the May issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine a study was done on 28 athletes with one of the most common overuse injury knee problem, chronic patellar tendonopathy, also known as Jumper’s Knee. It is characterized by pain and swelling below the kneecap.

100% of the athletes improved. By 3 months, 75% returned to their presymptom sporting levels and maintained that for 2 years with nonsurgical PRP. Not only did their pain go away, but their tendons returned to normal as shown on follow-up MRI’s. 7 subjects were considered treatment failures yet 6 of them still showed partial healing of their tendons by MRI. The article cites prior surgical success rates at somewhere between 46% and 70%.

To be included in the study the athletes had to have the problem at least 4 months (mean of 18 months and range 4-60 months). They had the worst case scenarios and had to fail all nonsurgical treatments such as rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drugs, physical therapy, peritendon steroid injections, laser therapy, and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). The subjects received 3 platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections under ultrasound guidance and were followed by MRI scan to evaluate healing of the tendon.

With our purified and proprietary for of PRP, Cytokine Rich Plasma (CRP), we at Greco Medical Group can also treat similar tendon/ligament injuries like rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, IT band syndrome, hip tendonitis and bursitis, and ankle injuries to name a few. CRP works even better for osteoarthritis of the knee to prevent knee replacement surgery. Call us at 941-952-3300 or do a free on-line consult at Greco Medical Group.